General information:
The family is a proclamation of faith in that it is the natural place in which faith can be lived in a simple and spontaneous manner…it is a Christian education more witnessed to than taught, more occasional than systematic, more ongoing and daily than structured into periods. (DC 227)
Opportunities to serve in K-8:
We are seeking people to join our team for faith formation! Please contact Samantha Santay, our Director of Student Ministry if you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available.

Family Formation Model
Focus is on parents and children in K-6.
Coming Together Nights
Junior High students, focus is on children who are in 7-8th grade.
For all sacraments, our families must be participating in the models above, depending on your family situation, for at least two years in order to receive a sacrament.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion:
Separate classes are offered in “year two” during the springtime. These sacraments will be received in the spring.
Separate classes are offered in “year two” during the springtime. This sacrament will be received in the early fall.

For further inquiries, please call the office at 630-553-6671.