What does the Jubilee symbol mean?

Four persons: Represent all of humanity. They come from the four corners of the Earth. Their embrace signifies unity and love in Christ, while their varied colors highlight cultural diversity. 
The cross: The cross of Christ is the hope that cannot ever be abandoned because we are always in need of it, especially in the most difficult moments. The Cross, in the shape of a sail, is transformed into an anchor that imposes itself over the waves in motion. A universal symbol of hope.
The waves and anchor: The waves represent the storms and trials that challenge both the Church and our personal lives. The anchor, extending from the Cross, signifies Jesus Christ as our refuge and protector.

What is an indulgence?
(from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

Every sin has consequences.  It disrupts our relationship with God and the Church, weakens our ability to resist temptation, and hurts others.  The necessity of healing these consequences, once the sin itself has been forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance, is called temporal punishment.  

Prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and other works of charity can take away entirely or diminish this temporal punishment.  Because of the fullness of redemption obtained for us by Jesus Christ, the Church attaches to certain prayers and actions an indulgence or pardon, that is, the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due to sin.  Christ, action through the Church, brings about the healing of the consequences of sin when an individual uses such a prayer or engages in such an action.
“Through indulgences the faithful can obtain the remission of temporal punishment due to sin for themselves and also for the poor souls in purgatory.” CCC 1498

What if I am homebound or unable to travel to a Jubilee Site?

In the event of serious impediments, the truly repentant faithful unable to participate in the celebrations, pilgrimages or visits will be able to obtain the Jubilee indulgence under the same conditions if they recite in their own home or from wherever they are impeded from travelling, the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form and other prayers compliant with the purposes of the Holy Year, offering up their sufferings or the hardships of their lives.