Honoring Church and Community through prayer and charitable work
The Lady Knights Auxiliary #14463 was established in July 2011 in association with God’s Divine Mercy Knights of Columbus Council #14463.
The Lady Knights Auxiliary #14463 enriches the parish community through charitable work, leadership, spirituality, and assistance to God’s Divine Mercy Knights of Columbus Council #14463, honoring church and community through prayer and action. We promote our Catholic faith and Christian morals and values; take part in charitable activities and community outreach; and promote Christian fellowship and family unity among our parish and community.

Membership in the Auxiliary is open to any Christian or Catholic female 18 years of age or older. Your husband does not need to belong to the Divine Mercy Knights of Columbus Council for you to join our group.
Our meetings are on the first Thursday of the month from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM in the St. Patrick Parish Center in Yorkville.
Some of the activities that we have participated in are:
- Advent by Candlelight
- Santa’s Breakfast and Holiday Toy Drive
- Thanksgiving Luncheon for Senior Citizens
- Tootsie Roll Drive for Intellectual Disabilities
- Lenten Fish Frys
- Yorkville Fourth of July Parade
- Quilts for Kids
- Holiday Food Basket Distributions
- Kendall County Fair Volunteers
- Corpus Christi Procession
- Parish Picnic
- Keeping Christ in Christmas Children’s contest
- Yorkville River Fest
- Yorkville Pumpkin Pull
- Knights of Columbus Christmas Banquet
- Pilgrimages to local Shrines

If you are interested in joining, we would be glad to have you. Our desire is to continue to be of service to Church, Charities, Community, Council, Family, and Country. For more information, please contact ladyknights@stpatrickyorkville.org.