Welcome to the Jubilee Year at St. Patrick Parish! For this Jubilee Year of 2025, we are offering a special Jubilee Mass every first Friday of the month at 8:00 AM. Please join us!   

What does it mean that St. Patrick Parish is a Jubilee site?

We have been designated by the diocese as a special location where people can come to participate in the spiritual activities and receive the graces associated with a Jubilee Year.  

What is the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Pope Francis has declared?

Typically, every 25 years, a special time is set aside by the Catholic Church for reflection, renewal, and forgiveness, where people can undertake pilgrimages to designated sites to receive indulgences and deepen their Catholic faith.

How can someone obtain a plenary indulgence during this Jubilee Year?

  1. Visit St. Patrick Parish or another designated Jubilee site and take part in Eucharistic adoration or meditation (in front of the Monstrance or tabernacle)
  2. Be a Catholic in good standing
  3. Have an interior disposition of complete detachment from sin, even venial sin
  4. Pray an Our Father, the Profession of Faith (Creed), and any prayer to Mary
  5. Receive the Sacrament of Confession (up to 20 days before or after the visit)
  6. Receive Holy Communion (on the day of the visit)
  7. Pray for the Pope’s intentions (Click here to see this month’s intention)

Are there other ways to obtain the indulgence?

  • *Parish Mission Event: “Church on Fire” Lenten Mission with Bart Schuchts will be on March 30 – April 1, 2025 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM each evening in the church.
  • *Veneration of St. Gianna relics: A prayer service for the intercession of St. Gianna is offered after the 4:00 PM Mass on the last Saturday of every month. Everyone will have an opportunity to venerate relics of St. Gianna after the Mass. Please join us!

A second plenary indulgence on the same day may be obtained for the poor souls in purgatory.

A Catholic who has already fulfilled all the requirements for the first indulgence, may obtain a second indulgence that is only applicable for a deceased soul in Purgatory by:

  • Carrying out  an act of charity (the corporal works of mercy) 
  • Receive Holy Communion at Mass, a second time that day
    • Note: to receive Communion twice in one day, you must attend two Masses that are not for the same purpose. For example, you could attend a Saturday morning daily Mass and also a Saturday evening vigil Mass because the vigil Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. You could also attend a Catholic wedding Mass and a Saturday Vigil Mass in the same day. An example of what you cannot do is attend two Sunday Masses or two daily Masses in the same day. Those Masses are for the same purpose. An easy way to know if the two Masses you are planning on attending have the same purpose is to see if the readings are the same. If the readings are different, you are good to go.

“Through this double act, a praiseworthy exercise of supernatural charity is carried out, through that bond by which the faithful still journeying on this earth are united in the mystical Body of Christ,  with those who have already completed their journey, by virtue of the fact that “the Jubilee indulgence, thanks to the power of prayer, is intended in a particular way for those who have gone before us, so that they may obtain full mercy” (Spes non confundit, 22).